Saturday, June 27, 2015

Why Christians Shouldn’t Fear Legalized Gay Marriage

Because Christians didn’t actually lose anything.  

Some Christians have been so entrenched in the “culture war” mentality that they feel an irrational sense of loss.  The only thing that Christians have lost is the right to withhold a legal privilege to a minority group.

Let that set in.

There is currently a lot of talk about “free exercise” of religion.  At what point did following Christ’s commandments require punishing other people?  I have spent most of my life studying Jesus’ teaching and I just don’t see that anywhere.  If the free exercise of your Christian faith requires denying a blessing to someone else, you’ve misunderstood Jesus… and the Constitution.

Because scared people get crazy.

For better or worse, a significant component of Christian identity is based in martyrdom.  Some church leaders will capitalize on this.  Nothing forges unity like the fires of fear.  Even now, there are believers gathering in bible study classes, coffee shops, prayer groups and social media sites fanning the flames of paranoia with visions of authorities storming their sanctuaries and forcing them to host homosexual marriage ceremonies under the threat of hostile action.

Listen to me.  That’s irrational fear.  It’s crazy talk.  The ruling legalized gay marriage.  That’s it.

“Sure, but the implications…”

The implication is that homosexual people have the same rights as other people.  The end.

Pastors and churches refuse to perform and host marriages every day for any number of arbitrary reasons.  I know.  I worked in a church where the pastor required a period of abstinence before the marriage prior to the wedding.  It isn’t uncommon for ministers to refuse to perform a marriage because both parties aren’t Christian.  That is a “free exercise” of religion that cannot be denied.

The absolute worst any Christian or Church really has to fear from the “implications” of this ruling is the loss of their “tax exempt” status.  In this extremely unlikely event, I remember Jesus saying something about “giving unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar.”  The last thing we need is people drawing dividing lines and creating battle camps.  That never ends well.

Because you have an opportunity

Christians are meant to influence the world through lives lived in hope and example.  Let your own marriage reflect the love of Christ in all its love, grace, hope, faithfulness and selfless love.  You will share more joy that way.  You never had any control over anyone else anyway.  Even God doesn't exercise that kind of control.  Trust that the Redeemer of the universe knows his business better than you.  The Redeemer is always working.  Look carefully and you will find Him busy here too. 


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